New Age Beauty Ethos
Beauty, make up, and cosmetics are an ever-changing landscape with constantly shifting trends. In the last decade we saw consumers increasing their arsenal of products in the quest for more options and better results.
According to Zero Waste Week, the beauty industry produces 120bn units of packaging a year, most of which can’t be recycled.
Couple this with the impact of products that don’t work well or are packaged for just a few months usage and you can paint a picture of the enormous wastefulness that exists in the industry. Not only are consumers beginning to notice, but hoarding on products that they don’t end up using through their life cycle is starting to test their patience as well.
When we began work on Ārem Beauty in 2017, we knew that we wanted to bring about a change, but still give more to the consumers. More of what is important, and lesser of what isn’t.
2020 and all that it has brought upon us will usher in a new age for beauty. Consumers are adopting the ‘buy less buy better’ mentality, which means focusing on multi-functional and result driven products.
The rising emotions have led to new beauty movements within label brands that stand for a revolution in the beauty industry.
Whilst Green Beauty refers to the use of natural, non-toxic ingredients and the preservation of our environment, the ‘Blue Beauty’ philosophy refers to the preservation and protection of our marine eco-system by reducing carbon emissions, minimizing waste, and removing the use of single use plastics. The purpose of both of these are the same.. protection of our environment and causing minimal environmental waste.
At Ārem, we strive to minimize the usage of water, our planet’s most precious commodity in our entire product processes. Our newly launched ‘Dew Stick Highlighters’ are Anhydrous, meaning the formula and manufacturing process is H20 free. In addition, we do not use water through any portion of our manufacturing process keeping our product water footprint close to zero.
Another integral part of Blue Beauty movement is actively giving back to the planet, from whom we reap so much. We like to think of it as a tax we pay to mother earth for everything she gives us. A portion of all product sales from our website go directly towards planet conservation. Find out more about this by clicking here.
The adoption of a ‘Slow beauty’ philosophy calls for slowing down the consumer buying cycle, naturally aiding the blue and green beauty philosophies. This means that brands have a responsibility of giving more and wasting less.
Aiding the blue and green philosophies, the adoption of the ‘slow beauty’ philosophy calls for slowing down your buying cycle. This doesn’t mean you need to settle for less, but it does mean that brands have a responsibility of giving more, with lesser waste.
Consumers are more educated than ever and are looking for multi-functional products that yield greater utility, over a longer period of time. Quickly accumulating vanity shelves are skeletons that are a continuous push in this direction
For this very purpose, we set out to create products that you’d want to use every single day, and if you did, it’d still last you well over a year.